2025 Reclaiming Youth Seminars
July 14-19, 2025
Augustana University, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Larry Brendtro, Martin Brokenleg, and Steve Van Bockern, authors of Reclaiming Youth at Risk, and Mark Freado, a leader in the reclaiming youth movement, invite you to attend the 31st Annual Reclaiming Youth Seminars! Network with colleagues from all over the world to share ideas, learn new skills, inform, inspire, and re-energize.
Grounded in resilience research showing that inner strengths and external supports are essential for positive youth development, the Reclaiming Youth Seminars offer practical skills for success with our most challenging children and youth. Explore timely topics including:
- Trauma, Resilience, and Thriving
- Social and Emotional Learning in Classrooms and Schools
- Strength-Based Treatment with Children and Families
- Positive Climates in Residential Care and Juvenile Justice
- Reclaiming Wisdom of Indigenous Cultures
Visit reclaimingyouth/reclaiming-youth-seminars.org for more info!